Monday, January 24, 2011

The True Story of Rene Caisse And Her Herbal Indian Remedy For Cancer

The Story That Won't Go Away
The True Story of Rene Caisse And Her Herbal Indian Remedy For Cancer


If You Think Modern Medicine Has All the Answers,
Stop Reading Now

If, however, you believe that we have just scratched the surface of finding out the causes and prevention of many diseases, including cancer, read on.
My life changed forever the day the doctor told me that my mother had cancer. I have been a Registered Nurse for 12 years and I have seen many patients with terminal cancer. Paralyzed with fear that my Mom would suffer an agonizing death, I desperately began searching for something that would help her achieve a gentle passing. There were few options and they all involved the same deal: sacrifice quality of life and risk losing your life in exchange for a very small chance of being totally cured of cancer. The medical treatments available were dangerous and debilitating, and they failed far more often than they succeeded.  My Mom was the best and she also deserved only the very best in her hour of need. I got down on my knees and asked God to help me find a better way.

The Story 
That Won't Go Away
Is There Really an Herbal Remedy
for Cancer?
My first step on this quest was discovering an excellent John Robbins book entitled Reclaiming Our Health. In this ground breaking book, Mr. Robbins told the story of a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse and her fight against cancer with an herbal remedy, which she called Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards).. My great respect for the integrity and scholarship of Mr. Robbins made me believe that there had to be something to this story.
Initially, I found it very difficult to imagine that a natural herbal remedy could actually and genuinely help terminal patients fighting against cancer. But the idea that there apparently was an herbal tea available to everyone that caused no harm and alleviated terminal cancer pain was the compelling factor that drew me to this story. Could it be possible that an herbal tea which was innocuous and made up of plants that grow on God’s green earth was a miracle cancer cure? I decided to make it the business of my life to find out whether the story of the Canadian nurse who helped thousands of terminal cancer patients with her simple herbal decoction was in fact true. I spent the next eight years of my life researching the story behind Rene Caisse and Essiac. I wrote a book about my amazing and enlightening journey. I believe that the information in this book will help people fight cancer.
My book is entitled The Story That Won’t Go Away. It clearly and engagingly tells the true story of Rene Caisse, right up until 1938 when her cancer clinic was thriving and before the medical authorities of the day told her they would put her in prison if she continued her healing work and did not reveal the healing formula to them. The actual formula which Rene Caisse used, and instructions how to make it, are included in this book. There is also information about a commercial formula of Essiac also contained in this book. (Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in any Essiac products.)
My book can be purchased through this website as a printable PDF file just by clicking on the Order button in the left hand menu. This can then be printed immediately.
Buy The Book
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After payment is made below, click on the yellow box that says "Return to SWGA by William LeBoeuf" to go to the download page.
Only $4.95

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