Monday, January 24, 2011

A Miracle Cancer Cure…One Woman’s Journey

A miracle cancer cure occurred after Carol Patterson decided to seek alternative cancer treatment and holistic cancer cures when plagued with cancer the second time. Traditional cancer therapy of Chemotherapy and Radiation had depleted her body and immune system. She devised an "Anti-Cancer Diet" of anti-oxidant foods and supplements and also used a thought-changing process to release emotional blocks which contributed to her cancer illness.
When you feel something is just not right with your body, and it does not go away you end up in a doctor’s office to make you well again. This is the western way of looking at medicine. The Chinese, on the other hand, view medicine as a lifestyle of health maintenance. The Chinese go to the doctor to maintain health on a regular basis. Westerners go to the doctor when something is wrong.

After living in China for many years, I learned first-hand about the Chinese view of medicine and how dramatically different it is from the way we westerners think about medical practices. It is normal for Chinese people to eat something because it is good for their health. Wellness-thinking is common practice in China.

The True Story of Rene Caisse And Her Herbal Indian Remedy For Cancer

The Story That Won't Go Away
The True Story of Rene Caisse And Her Herbal Indian Remedy For Cancer


If You Think Modern Medicine Has All the Answers,
Stop Reading Now

If, however, you believe that we have just scratched the surface of finding out the causes and prevention of many diseases, including cancer, read on.
My life changed forever the day the doctor told me that my mother had cancer. I have been a Registered Nurse for 12 years and I have seen many patients with terminal cancer. Paralyzed with fear that my Mom would suffer an agonizing death, I desperately began searching for something that would help her achieve a gentle passing. There were few options and they all involved the same deal: sacrifice quality of life and risk losing your life in exchange for a very small chance of being totally cured of cancer. The medical treatments available were dangerous and debilitating, and they failed far more often than they succeeded.  My Mom was the best and she also deserved only the very best in her hour of need. I got down on my knees and asked God to help me find a better way.

The Story 
That Won't Go Away

Our Christmas Miracle

Christmas 2000
Let me tell you about the snowy Christmas Day that we were blessed by a healing visit from a true Christmas Angel and the miracle that she blessed us with. We now know that miracles do happen and that if you are open to receiving, they can come at any time! I give you a little background, so you can understand the blessing we received that day! Dave was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung and bone cancer. Radiation 5 days a week and once a week Chemotherapy treatments had been leaving him quite drained.
The Doctors have not been able to tell Dave how much time he had left, so we are looking at an optimistic ten year plan, yet at the same time taking care of his affairs. Many people have been offering us their healing advice. We have gotten suggestions ranging from jumping up and down on a trampoline to this very healing Essiac Tea! Because the cancer in the spinal column has deteriorated Dave’s top three discs, we have decided not to go the trampoline route! Due to a near-death experience a number of years ago, Dave has a good connection to Spirit and has been able to sift through all the well meaning suggestions and take what works best for his healing.