Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Healing Story from France

In June 2007 we received an email from Fil (not real name) from France. He wrote to seek help for his 77-year-old father, Jak (note real name) who had been diagnosed with colon cancer. Five years before his cancer diagnosis the doctor had told Jak that something was not right with his brain. He very often suffered vertigo.

Jak’s problem started with severe bleeding while in the toilet. He was immediately hospitalized and on 1 June 2007 underwent an operation to remove part of his sigmoid colon. In his email, Fil wrote:Today, he is in very poor condition. He tries to get up but walking is very difficult. He needs help. He prefers staying in bed. He has very bad appetite and little hope of healing. He does not want to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy. He lost muscles mass and will need training. He wants to live – 5 years more in order to see his little son reach the age of 16.

Jak’s conditions were as follows:
  • Pain: in pain stomach region. His condition is very poor. He is not strong enough to be on his legs.
  • Can you sleep? Yes, sleeping is quite okay.
  • Do you feel tired? Yes, very tired. Almost no strength.
  • How often is your bowel movement? Difficult and constipated.
  • How is your appetite? Very little.
  • Do you have difficulty breathing? No
On 23 June 07, Fil wrote: A few days after the surgery the cancer specialist met my father and said he was far too weak to receive chemotherapy. Last Monday, she came back and found him in a better condition but still wondered if he would be a “good candidate” to follow the treatment. She spoke to me over the phone.

Concerning chemotherapy – to do or not to do, she quoted these figures: WITHOUT chemo, 50% chance to be alive for 5 years and WITH chemo, 65 %. She is scheduled to meet my father for the third time on 3 July. I don’t know what position she will take. However, the doctors in charge of him try to influence the decision by explaining that the operation was well done and it will be more secured to undergo chemotherapy. As a matter of fact, my father seems not ready to go through another bad experience.
On 26 June 07, Fil wrote again: I am working every day on my father’s healing. The last weekend, I had a talk with my father and mother. My father will get back home next Thursday. We made a concrete decision: No chemo, my father will follow your advice on diet and he will take your herbs. Beside that, I am now getting more and more involved in cancer field. Are you ready to work with me and be my coach, teacher, guide, all of that?

This was my reply to Fil: Thanks for your email. Yes, you are indeed an amazing person who wants to learn. Don’t worry I am here to help you and guide you. No problem at all Fil. I like your spirit and your enthusiasm to help your father …   wonderful. Sure, if you learn enough and believe in what I do  ….help others too.

On 3 July 07, Fil wrote: Chris, I got a phone call of my mother. My father had pains in the stomach region this morning. What do you think about this?
My reply: He started taking herbs on Friday afternoon, which means 4 days of treatment. Generally in the first week, patients may find “life” a bit
difficult … due to the healing crisis. Go into my website and read about the CA Therapy and the healing crisis. I don’t worry too much.

Fil submitted a list of drugs that the doctors prescribed to his father:
1. LOVENOX : treatment against thrombosis.
2. INEXIUM :  treatment against gastro-esophagus reflux.
3. AMLOR : against high blood pressure.
4. TAHOR : against cholesterol.
5. OMIX : against prostate hypertrophy.
6. PLAVIX: for patients with recent heart attack, recent stroke, or poor circulation in the legs, known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
7. DIANTALVIC: pain (paracétamol + dextropropoxyphène).
8. NUTRICREMAL: nutriment additive with protein vanilia, chocolate.
9. TARDYFERON: mineral additives.
10. FORLAX: for constipation.
11. EDUCTYL NORMACOL: for constipation.
12. Nureflex, Néomercazole.

I wrote him: I counted there are 11 drugs that were prescribed. You mean you father had been feeding on these drugs? Did the doctor tell you what these drugs are for? Find out using the net and let me know. Different countries have different names for the same drugs … this makes things more confused for people. The more confused people are the better… so they become experts!

Fil wrote on 9 July 2007:  I visited my father two times this weekend:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paul Nison Shares on His Story of Immediate Healing, As Well As Mistakes Along the Way of Going Raw By Kevin Gianni Platinum Quality Author

In this article, Paul Nison shares on his story of immediate healing, as well as mistakes along the way, going raw. Paul Nison is a raw food chef and educator. He is also the author of seven books including "The Raw Life."
Kevin: Paul Nison is a raw food chef and educator. He's been eating a raw food diet since he was diagnosed with colitis, many years ago. With no other choice but surgery according to the medical profession Paul decided to stop eating all cooked foods. Today he is 100 percent cured of his so-called incurable disease. Paul, welcome to the call.
Paul: Thank you.
Kevin: No problem. Let's start with your own personal story because I think a lot of people can learn from it.
Paul: Sure. A lot of people out there have heard me and they know it but basically, to make it short and sweet I'll tell you I got diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, which is inflammation of the colon. It's also known as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease, when I was 19 years old. The doctors told me that I had to be on drugs for the rest of my life and the only inevitable was I was at a high risk for colon cancer at 20 years old. They said by the time I was 30 I would probably have it and the only complete cure was to get rid of my colon. They said, "If you don't have a colon you can't get colon cancer." The doctors told me what to do and I listened to them and did exactly everything they told me to do short of surgery. Every time I did what they told me to do I wasn't getting better, I was getting worse. So then I got wise and I started doing the opposite and got better.
One day when I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, without knowing it I moved right next to a place called Hippocrates Health Institute. I was in the health food store one day and I saw a fellow there, his name was Brian Clement. He was giving a lecture to some people there and I was listening. He was talking about raw food. My doctor had always told me raw foods would be bad for me. When I told that to Brian he said, "Of course they would. If you were healthy they wouldn't get paid." He told me a lot more things about the food.
I asked my doctor if the raw foods are really bad for me and she said, "They're definitely the worse thing for your condition." When she told me that I knew I was on the right track and I went on a raw food diet.
Since that day I've been completely better and helping people get better. I have to pinch myself. I enjoy every day so much.
Kevin: Now the process of healing probably didn't happen overnight. Why don't you explain how you dove into it and what are some of the things that worked for you and some of the things that you found didn't work for you.
Paul: Well actually, it did happen overnight. What I found out is health doesn't begin when we add to our diet, it begins with what we eliminate. So when I found Hippocrates Health Institute and spoke to Brian Clements, the director there, he told me to eliminate everything that was contributing to my problem. He knew what it was. It was not really the cooked food as much as the dairy, the wheat, the processed food, the overeating, eating late at night, mis-combining my meals, not chewing my meals. When I stopped doing all those things... People ask me how long it took to get well, I give them two answers. One answer is "Immediately." As soon as I stopped that I actually started feeling better, even though I wasn't completely cured. The other answer is, after almost 17 years of doing this I'm still healing because each day I feel better than the last. That is not an exaggeration. It's amazing. I feel better now than I did last year and I feel better than two years ago. I continuously feel better and I'm learning new things.
I made some mistakes at first and I see a lot of people making those mistakes today. It's one of the things that motivates me to get out there. If I didn't change I wouldn't have been too healthy today. I see a lot of people coming to the raw food movement that are making a lot of these errors.
I was blessed to meet a man who is one of my best friends, Dr. Fred Bisci, when I was interviewing people for my first book. He really woke me up and told me that it's not just about eating raw food. You can't just eat tons of fruit and you can't eat raw junk food and expect things to continue to get well. Eventually you're going to hit a road block. He really helped me understand why and how that happens.
You have to continue to change as the body changes. There's a lot of people out there in the raw food movement making mistakes. We really have to understand that raw food is great but it's not a panacea. If it's raw junk food it's just a matter of time before that's going to take its effect on your body.
It's very simple - raw, ripe, fresh and organic. We can't overeat and have got to eat at the right times. All this is what my new book is really about, but so are my other books.
My last book, was a book by Arnold Ehret. Author of "The Mucusless Diet Healing System" and he had something in there called the formula for life. If anyone understands that formula, they'll understand what the mistakes are and how to avoid them. The formula basically is power minus obstruction equals vitality. In other words, health minus disease equals wellness. So we have to put things in our body that can contribute to our health and eliminate things that contribute to disease. Then that will determine the state of our health.
Kevin: All right. Let's get into some specifics here. What were some of those specific mistakes? What were some of the foods and things that you were eating that were eventually contributing to you not getting the results you wanted?
Paul: Well, the first one was eating too much fruit. At first it was great. To anyone out there that's eaten McDonald's their whole life and then switched to a diet of eating fruit, they could eat all the fruit in the world and they're probably going to show some improvement. However, after your chemistry starts cleaning up and you continue to eat tons and tons of fruit, it's too much sugar for the body. At Hippocrates Health Institute people with certain illnesses they completely take off sugar, including the sugar that's found in fruit. So there's nothing wrong with fruit but it's overdoing it that's a problem. One of those mistakes I made was overdoing the fruit.
People ask me, "How much is too much?" It might vary for each person but you have to understand that the stomach is the size of our fist. So we have to use some common sense and say, "That might be a little bit too much food there. Look how much you're eating." We have to look at that. That's one of the big errors I made.

My Story By Ross R. Craft

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain" Anonymous
This is a story that needs to be told. It is my intention that you will be filled with hope as you walk with me through moments of great despair and learn how I overcame blindness and two fatal diseases. I was told I had Wegener's Granulomatoses Vasculitis (WGV), severe cardiomyopathy and at one point the whites of my eyes had started to melt and I was blind.
I was too old, too sick, and too weak to get on the list for a new heart, which seemed to be the only solution to the heart problem. I was also told the heart doesn't heal itself. I have to admit, it was always difficult for me to say, "I have" Wegener's Granulomatoses Vasculitis. I much preferred to say, "I have been diagnosed with it." It seemed that if I said it that way, I didn't own it or it didn't "have" me.
WGV is an auto immune disease that is very often fatal. It is also difficult to diagnose. It can attack any organ. In a way, I guess I was lucky because when I got really sick and required emergency hospitalization, it was affecting everything. I had sore joints, little purple sores indicating a blood infection, I was coughing up blood and my kidneys were also involved. While it is said this disease can be controlled, I think when you read my story you will realize one's life expectancy is short. You may not die from the disease immediately, but either it or the treatment will get you.
My ordeal took five years. In the course of the five years, I became good friends with my lead doctor, Dr. Katz. He is one of the finest men and the best doctor I have ever met. One day, after the lab reports said I was in good health, he said "Did you know how sick you were? If I were a betting man I would have lost big money on you. When I met you I didn't think you would be here now."
I once read a two line quote from an anonymous author that described my journey. It went like this: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." During the first four years I kept having a series of life threatening events happen to my health. I would just get the best medical treatment I could find and sit back and wait for the storm to pass. The problem was my health and my outlook for survival kept getting worse.
At the point of my greatest despair, I was blind, the Wegener's had attacked my eyes, my heart had a 15% ejection fraction and my immune system was really out of whack. I couldn't walk to the bathroom without getting chest pains. To relieve the inflammation in my eyes I had to take very strong immune suppressant drugs usually used in cancer treatment. After taking one of the drugs for about three months, I was still blind and my blood crashed. By crashed I mean my white cell count went down to less than 2 and my red cell count was also very low.
In the process of suppressing my immune system, we had stopped my bone marrow from making new cells. In the middle of December we had to stop everything and wait to see if my bone marrow would recover.

If my bone marrow did recover, the next drug of choice of a world-renowned eye specialist was a stronger immune suppressant drug, Cytoxin. Our research showed this drug had damaged good hearts when used in cancer treatment. We didn't know what it might do to a bad heart. In addition, this drug causes bladder cancer if you don't drink at least four liters of water every day. With cardiomyopathy I was on a restricted fluid diet.
Looking at what seemed like an impossible situation I considered just getting up out of my chair and seeing how far I could run before my heart failed. Then I just decided to get well. I immediately realized I didn't know how. For four years, I had been getting all the best medical advice and treatment and kept getting worse. I knew it would have to be something more. I decided on a shotgun approach.
I would continue getting medical treatment, continue with my program of nutrition, and start working on my mind. I had been a meditator and I had some experience with the power of the subconscious mind. I don't know why I didn't use it sooner. I guess I was just waiting for the storm to pass with each health episode.
I started visualizing good health and started feeling better right away. I knew I had to get that feeling of "belief" in order to make it happen. I must say that when the men in white coats, armed with lab reports or x-ray film tell you something it is hard to "believe" it is not true.
I decided I needed some real work on my subconscious. I went on the internet and bought several subliminal CD's on health and healing. I also bought one on guided visualization of health. When I got these CD's I started listening to them all the time. When I went to bed, I listened to the sleep version. I thought if a little bit of this helps a little a lot should help a lot. (Besides I didn't have anything else to do.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cathy Goodman Willed Cancer Out of Her Body Using the Secret By Karen Giardunio Platinum Quality Author

Cathy's story is one that could be considered beyond uplifting or inspirational -it is an out-right miracle! If you log on to her spouses website (Morris E. Goodman) at themiracleman.org you will see that before she received the blessing of Healing in her own life -she herself was the spectacular miracle in Morris' life after he recovered from a plane crash that left no hope for restoring his beaten and broken body from the paralysis and internal injuries that accident left him with. She and Morris were married on November 10th 1990 and little did they know at that time that Morris' story of positive and forward thinking would some day be re-awakened and prove invaluable in Cathy's life as well.
As told by Cathy she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her response was to go home and NOT think about the illness at all. She states in the movie The Secret that instead of concentrating on the cancer she put her attention elsewhere and that she truly believed in her heart with her strong faith that we had already been healed and that in her mind she saw herself as if cancer had never been in her body to begin with. She tells how she would walk around the house saying out loud "Thank you for my healing" over and over again. As she continues her story she explains to viewers that she and her husband would only watch funny movies because they believed that laughter would be an important part of her recovery and if she was laughing she wasn't thinking about anything to do with the diagnosis.
In just 3 short months Cathy got the word that the cancer was gone. The miracle here is that Cathy had decided early on not to take the conventional route and so this healing took place without any radiation or chemotherapy whatsoever! By sheer mind power and force of will Cathy was able to put the cancer behind her. Because her husband was able to heal himself from the massive injuries that the doctors believed would take his life Cathy knew first hand the valuable instrument the mind itself can play on the body and its own ability to heal itself. Because she accepted it for truth -her thoughts were able to work in harmony with her immune system and rid the cancer from her body entirely.
Cathy and her husband Morris are great examples of the old adage "Mind over matter!" After all what else sustains our current sense of reality if it is not our mindset? Isn't it in the mind that we control the power over our own circumstances? Can we be hurt by someone's unkind words without first accepting in our mind to perceive the insult as "personal" if it isn't taken as a personal blow to our character how can we accept it as an insult? Until we welcome something can it really be real? These are the kind of insightful ideas a movie like The Secret is meant to provoke. It gives value and merit to opening ones mind and looking outside the confines of our ordinary day to day approach as well as our normal take on the world.

My Earth Angel Friend - Sherin - Surviving Terminal Lymphoma Cancer Story: The Lord Still Heals By Russ Miles Platinum Quality Author

The following "Medical Miracle Story" ezine article fits nicely into the "Rascal's Free Reprint Articles" section of my website Jesus4You.ws where it is an RSS Feed from my favorite article bank, EzineArticles.com.
For the telling my Earth Angel Sherin Story, I am going to use a complete e-mail that I sent to one of my down-line business partners, Marion, who assists me and my other new sign-up partners in two of our common Internet businesses.
Hi, My Ravishing Rascalette :)
We've got to get busy getting you into that red Ferrari, beautiful. I need to stay on tract once all of our elements are in place...LOL They're coming together ~ thanks to my Marvelous Maid Marion and OUR Savior who made this "Match Made In Heaven" a reality.
About the MySpace site: I like and want the VERY SAME background set-up as yours. I love the "Tropics" which it reflects :) I love you too, My Wonderful, Helpful Maid. If you can put the Kris Kristofferson video onto my MySpace profile (as you have on my AWESOME Direct Matches Business Profile that you created for me also), that would be a bonus!
I've just received a call from one of my former agents and former sister-in-law, Sherin. She will be coming by here in Vancouver, WA within the next couple of days and I'm sure that she will be signing up for GDI (Global Domains International). I'll place her under you, Cutie. You'll be helping Sher to set up her website. LOL. You'll love her, as I do you, "My Georgia Peach."
Probably, Sher will be signing up for DM (Direct Matches) also. She is a smart businesswoman and will recognize how valuable DM is when I let her see it via one of the banners waving at visitors to my website. LOL
Sher was diagnosed with "Terminal Lymphoma " and the Docs said that she would not make it. LOL That was about 17-20 years ago. With her sister ~ my then wife Vicki ~, I came over here to Vancouver to visit her obviously dying Sis'. Vick and I lived in Portland with our three children who were all school-age at the time. Cassie, our youngest daughter that we had together, had not yet arrived on this planet.
Anyway, Sherin was in her recliner ~ as she had been for a couple of weeks ~ unable to make it up the stairs to her condo's bedroom. I'd no sooner come in the door ~ that she had told my wife would be unlocked for us ~ than Sher asked me, "Honey, what would you do if you were me?"
I answered, "Sher, I'd get myself onto a plane and fly down to Oral Robert's City Of Hope Medical Center, in Tulsa Oklahoma, where I'd be surrounded by 'Spirit Filled' Dr's who would agree that I could live."
Sher said, "I've been reading here in this King James Bible where it says in James, "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. ... What do you think of that?"
Sherin had the Bible open on the little table beside her recliner. She waited while I picked up the sacred book and read the scriptures myself. I was shocked! Not because the Bible said that she could be healed ~ but because my sister-in-law had a Bible. Like my wife, Sher had been raised in an abusive Mormon home. Neither one of them had wanted anything to do with that church or any other one.
To answer her question, I said, "That's what it says, Sher."
Immediately, she said, "I haven't ever been to a real church. Do you know of a minister that would be willing to come over here and pray for me?"
"I think that I know of ONE," I replied. "Payton Hudson! This is Sunday, he may still be at his church... It's noon... That's about the time the congregation got out last week ~ when I went alone again. Vicki went to another church last week, because she doesn't like Payton's church. She says it too noisy."
Sher handed me her telephone and asked, "Will you try to call him for me?"
I did call, right then, and Payton's wife answered telling me that the service had just ended. Geri' said that she'd get her husband to talk with me before they went to lunch. Payton was soon on the telephone and I told him briefly why I had called.
"Sure, Brother!" Paton said ~ with confidence."Let me talk to her."
I handed the phone back to Sherin. They set up a time for him to bring a couple of ladies from his church with him ~ to pray for my sister-in-law's healing ~ the coming Tuesday.
I didn't see Sher for two weeks. When I did come back, she was still sitting in that same recliner. Gray in her color, she looked almost dead.
"I've been Healed," Sher told me. "That minister, his wife, Geraldine, and another lady named Vickie Adams came over and they 'Layed hands' on me. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and my healing. They all three "Layed hands" on me. The next day, I went to see my Dr. ~ the cancer specialist ~ to tell him. He said I can' be. But I know that I'm healed. Honest!"
Sherin sure didn't look healed. All I could say was, "Great, Sher. I'll agree with you. You're healed!"
Then she hit me with the hard one. "The doctor said I am too far gone to start chemo'. That it was an unlikely option for anyone with a condition this far advanced ~ even if I had started when he had advised me too ~ anyway. I declined when he wanted me to start it 'Right away' about three months ago. Honey, what would you do if you were me?"
"WOW, Sher!" I said, my not-long-a-Christian-myself head spinning. "Let me think about this a minute... I've got to use your can... I'll be right back..." I didn't want to be asked a question like that. Getting up off of the couch ~ I started walking down her hallway toward the bathroom. I was talking frantically to The Lord in my head.
"WHAT?" I ask Him, "What do I say?"

Barbara's Ovarian Cancer Story Part II By L. John Mason Platinum Quality Author

Ovarian Cancer: Process and Survival
Post Surgery
Read Part I for information regarding diagnosis and surgery...
The next few weeks after my discharge from the hospital, were very busy. My sister, Nance, and my mom decorated the house and Christmas tree. My sister Lauren visited from Washington and cleaned, cooked and lent invaluable support to all of us. There were visits to the surgeon for follow-up and the oncologist for the initial visit. John and my sisters accompanied me. It was so very helpful to have someone else ask questions and write down information. It can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you're a little "spaced out" on vicodin for pain management, as I was. I signed on to be part of a clinical study using different combinations of medications for eight instead of the normal six cycles. Laurie had brought a book with her that offered a lot of information on how to deal with an ovarian cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments. One suggestion was to research clinical studies. There is a great deal of "cutting edge" research out there but you may have to hunt for it, do your homework, and bring the information to your doctor. My oncologist's office was conducting a trial, I was accepted, and I was scheduled to begin treatment on December 21.
Even though I was dreading the whole process, I knew I had to approach it in much the same way I did the surgery, almost like an athletic event or a race. I wanted to go in as strong and as prepared as possible and with a better "attitude."
Attitude is defined as a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one's disposition, opinion and mental set. We may not be able to control a situation, but we can choose our attitude about that situation- victim or fighter; passive or aggressive; depressed or striving toward joy and happiness; caught in the "why me's" or searching for the "what can I learn from this." With the help of many people and through much reading and research, my "attitude-adjustment" process unfolded.
A booklet entitled "Preparing for Chemo" suggests several things that I immediately put into action.
1) Get your hair cut short so that when your hair starts falling out, it's less traumatic and won't clog the shower's drain. (This worked for the drains but I was still traumatized.)
2) If you plan to wear a wig, shop for it before starting chemo. My sisters and my dear friend and hairdresser Patty, helped with both of these steps. Watching my long hair fall to the floor was very hard and yet made me feel the tiniest bit more in control of what was happening to me. To my surprise, everyone loved my new hairdo. The compliments boosted my ego when I really needed it. Nance and Laurie accompanied me to the wig shop. Laughter is very good medicine-and we laughed a lot as we all played with the wigs before settling on two very nice ones. Four hundred dollars later I was armed with my hair prosthetics and a sore belly from laughing. At this writing, I am sporting my own very short hair after nine months of wigs and hats.
3) The booklet suggests having a dental check up and cleaning before starting chemo. Also important is giving your home a thorough cleaning and perhaps scheduling someone to come in once a week thereafter- a clean house can minimize exposure to infectious agents.
4) Building up strength through exercise and a good diet can help minimize some of the side effects of chemo. This booklet and other helpful literature, is available through oncology offices and offers good practical information. I also found the library and the internet to be good resources.
Shortly after my homecoming, from the hospital, I received a telephone call from Lindy, a volunteer with the Cancer Society (set up by my husband and the cancer support staff at the hospital.) She had been diagnosed and treated for Stage IIIc ovarian cancer seven years ago. Hearing from her gave me a real boost and some good tips for dealing with the upcoming chemo. She shared her experiences with surgery, hair loss and complete recovery! She is still cancer free! In addition to advice on make-up to camouflage the fact that one has no eyebrows or eyelashes, she told me how helpful acupuncture was for her. She felt that it really minimized some of the chemo side-effects and "rebalanced" her body's energy. I had had a few sessions of acupuncture many years ago, and I immediately knew that this would be right for me. I believe in its efficacy and definitely feel the sessions have been very beneficial.

A story about lung cancer

I want to share a part of a book I am reading at the moment! “How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $ 5.15 a Day” By Bill Henderson with Andrew Scholberg. This story is for this moment very important for me, because a very dear family member is right now in the hospital with lung cancer and the doctor told him that there is nothing they can do to cure him! But the problem is that it is hard to convince people to do what is possible to cure themselves.
Doctor says, “What’s going on?
Her cancer is melting away”

One day in early 2008 Cathy bumped into a casual acquaintance named Peggy.
When Peggy mentioned that her 80-year-old mother, Beulah, was dying of lung cancer, Cathy immediately sprang into action. She grabbed a copy of my book Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, non-toxic Healing. Handing it to Peggy, she said, “I don’t know what you think about this, but it’s not a joke. Turn to the chapter about the diet, and read the rest later.”
On March 10, 2008, a doctor had given Peggy’s mother Beulah a death sentence, telling her, “We have no treatment for you. You have six months to live.” The doctor made it crystal clear that there was no hope whatsoever. Beulah calmly told the doctor, “The good Lord is going to heal me.” She had faith. When I interviewed Peggy by phone, she told me, “I couldn’t put your book down.” After reading it, she bought some fresh flax oil and cottage cheese and started Beulah on the Budwig protocol. Beulah also got on my healthy eating plan and later added Essiac tea to her regimen. You may recall that I mentioned Essiac tea in an earlier chapter of this Special Report.
Essiac tea is a traditional American Indian
herbal remedy for cancer. Beulah recommends the brand of Essiac brewed by Ginny Darby- Evans. It’s called “Just Tea,” and you can order it from this website: www.just-t.com. Ginny’s store is located at 449 S. Hickory Valley Rd., Sparta, TN 38585. You can also order “Just Tea” by calling (931) 946-7002.
About two weeks after getting my book from Cathy, Peggy called her with some exciting news: “The cancer doesn’t seem to

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beating Breast Cancer - One Cancer Patient's Story of Success With the 3 A's of Healing By Sandra L Gahlinger Platinum Quality Author

I've been where you are. I've heard the dreaded words, "I'm sorry. It was cancer." It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Yet, if you or someone you love have heard those words, I'd like to share something I stumbled across that helped me beat breast cancer - and led to rapid healing after surgery.
In fact, I had a double mastectomy. My four-hour surgery took just under two hours - and that was to the time it took to remove the breasts AND reconstruct them. I was told that I wouldn't get my implants right away. (I did.) I expected heavy bruising, but it was minimal. I was also told my ports would be in for about a week. Yet, they were removed the next day.
Now, can you expect these same results? I can't say.
I've been hesitant to share my secret publicly because frankly, some of it can seem quite wierd.
My philosophy with cancer was, "I'll do whatever works. I'll do what I have to do, and use everything at my disposal."
Here are my 3 A's of Healing:
1. Allopathic - Allopathic medicine is regular, western medicine. It's surgery, morphine, lumpectomies, etc. I find that a lot of people are blatantly opposed to western medicine, or they don't trust it. (Most doctors are there for the love of what they do and want to use their gifts to help you.) There are the extreme "new age, woo woo" types who feel they "shouldn't" use allopathic medicine. Their belief goes something like this: That somehow, by using western medicine, they aren't trusting "the universe"...that if their connection to "the universe" or God or whatever were strong enough, the disease would heal itself. It is possible, however, that the universe delivers solutions and healing in the form of surgery or a pill.
2. Alternative - These are things like essential oils, herbs, chiropractic. It's now more commonly called "complementary medicine". These are other branches of medicine - usually Eastern in origin - that can help you access your body's natural capacity to heal itself. Your body DOES have the capacity to heal itself. Think about it - if you get a cut or scrape, you don't fret about whether or not you'll get better. You just KNOW that it'll heal. Some studies say that our body regularly has errant cells, like cancer, but our bodies destroy these cells. Alternative therapies can help you access the mind/body/spirit connection that can "flip the switch" and help your body do what it always does - heal.

Colon-Liver Cancer: A Story of a Miraculous Healing By Chris Teo, Ph.D. Platinum Quality Author

Goh, was 73 year-old male. He was diagnosed with colon cancer. He opted for alternative healing instead of an operation. With the help of his son, he changed to a totally raw, vegetarian diet. After two months, the tumours in the colon mysteriously disappeared. The doctor took numerous X-rays on him and was baffled as to what had happened. Believing that he was cured, Goh went back to his old ways and diet! Within two months, the cancer came back. This time he was in severe pains. Besides, the cancer had spread to the liver. He was in so much agony that the family had to send him to the hospital. At first, the doctors were reluctant to admit him and scolded his son for "trying to be too clever."
Medically there was nothing anybody could do for him, except to give him painkillers. He was the worst of patients in the hospital cancer ward. When the specialist came on ward rounds, he would refuse to see Goh, because according to the specialist Goh's "liver did not function anymore!" His stomach was bloated and the legs swelled and the rest of him was reduced to skin and bones. His condition was beyond imagination. He was unable to walk, even for a short distance to the toilet, and could barely talk. After almost three months, he was brought home because according to his family "if he had to die, let him die at home." Except for one son, the rest of the family members gave him up for dead. They said: "There is no need to give him anything -- why waste the money, there is no chance, no hope anymore."
Around Goh's 73th birthday, the family made him a coat. Actually, that coat was intended for his anticipated funeral. Goh himself gave up, refusing to take any medication -- he was ready to die. Fortunately, one of his sons refused to accept defeat. He came to CA Care and asked for herbs. Goh was prescribed many herbs but he only agreed to take the Abdominal Distension tea, refusing the AB, Liver-P etc. After two weeks, the swelling subsided and the healing started! As Goh gained confidence, he started to take other prescribed herbs. Soon, all the pains were gone and he regained his health.

Diagnosed skin cancer healed

In the fall of 2008, an unsightly growth appeared on my forehead. I’d witnessed and experienced healings of illness, injury, loss, and other challenges in our family throughout my life, and it was natural to turn first to Christian Science prayer-based treatment. I also called a Christian Science practitioner for support.
However, as the growth got bigger, so did my fear, which prompted me to see a dermatologist. A biopsy was performed, and I was told that this was skin cancer, caused by heredity and prior sun damage. Radiation or surgery was given as options for removal. Surgery was scheduled with a specialist because the doctor felt the growth was too large for him to remove, and that plastic surgery might also be required.
As this information was being presented, an angel message of spiritual strength assured me that I did have a third, and better, choice. It became clear to me that medical options offer a temporary material fix, whereas metaphysical healing through Christian Science provides a permanent spiritual solution. Fear, self-condemnation, and family members’ concerns had seemed to be reasons to seek a medical diagnosis. I now know that there needed to be much more alertness every day, on my part, to what Mary Baker Eddy referred to as “animal magnetism,” the idea that there is a power at work in our lives opposed to God.
Meeting and speaking with the Christian Science practitioner again on a regular basis gave me a renewed sense of my spiritual identity, and the confidence to cancel the surgery. The medical staff called, concerned about the canceled appointment, but I assured them that I was in good care and relying on Christian Science treatment. I knew that healing was going on, and felt more and more confident that I could totally trust and yield to the power of God’s love and care.
For about three months, with help from the practitioner, both theories of heredity and irreversible sun damage were prayerfully addressed head-on. Many articles from the early Sentinels and Christian Science Journals were shared, and the CD Anthology of Classic Articles was my companion in the car. I especially enjoyed Louise Knight Wheatley’s article “The smell of fire.” In the article, residual symptoms related to past history are identified as the false belief that error did happen, and has a history. Trust in the one God delivers us from fiery trials of false beliefs, without a hint of damage, no sting, no remembrance of anything ungodlike ever existing, just as it did for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Bible (see Daniel, chapter 3). Always walking with us, as in the furnace, is the redeeming, comforting Christ-presence.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Healing for Cancer Patient by Lorena and David Solinger

Reiki News Articles

The International Center for Reiki Training

Karuna Reiki&reg- Miraculous Healing for Cancer Patient
by Lorena and David Solinger
On a November Tuesday we received a call from our friend Earl that his dearly beloved mother, Darlene, was dying. One week prior she had been in perfect health. Then suddenly all of her motor coordination became disjointed and she became unable to speak in complete sentences. She was diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctor gave a prognosis of approximately 30 days for Darlene to live.
We told Earl that we would see her in the next week or two to say our good-byes as she was hospitalized more than two hours from our home.
On Thursday Earl called again telling us that his mother's condition had been downgraded and she had worsened considerably. Her medical condition would allow her to be coherent for perhaps only a few more days. Earl said, "If you desire to see my mom you should do so right away."
Friday we went to the hospital. Prior to arriving at the hospital we performed distance Reiki on both Darlene and her family in anticipation of her treatment. Upon arriving we found Darlene to be in excellent spirits yet tired and drained, and at the same time very peaceful. Our dear friend said, "I am at peace. Whatever God has in store for me I am ready." There was finality in her words and beautiful acceptance in her voice. As we continued our visit we began to treat her with Karuna Reiki®. Within minutes Darlene's speech began to improve. One visitor in the room stated to Darlene, "You're starting to talk in more complete sentences."

Cancer Is the Symptom of Something Much Deeper - An Alternative Cancer Cure By Carol E Patterson

Cancer is a disease which touches one in five people. The mysteries of the disease seem to evade even the most well-known oncologists. However, there are alternative cancer cures. Cancer can be cured by changing your lifestyle in such a way that you begin to live an "Anti-Cancer" lifestyle. I have developed an "Anti-Cancer Diet" comprised of cancer fighting foods which can be found on the shelves of the grocery store. Our bodies have miraculous recuperative abilities. A miracle cancer cure occurs "when you get your mind, body and spirit working in 'sync' with one another." Changing your food is not the only change you need to make. "Thoughts are things" and you have "thought yourself into illness." Since you have "thought yourself into illness" logical thought progression shows that you can "think yourself into wellness." This is not an easy concept to grasp at first, but when you take time to consider alternative cancer cures and alternative cancer therapy a new realization happens. Many times the simplest solution is the best solution.
Before I had cancer I was an international fashion designer with a television show on Home Shopping Network and the Shopping Channel in Canada. I had several businesses and life seemed to be thriving.
I was engaged to be married to my business partner. While on a business trip to China, I tried to call home to my fiance. Call it woman's intuition, but I had a very bad feeling. My feeling turned out to be justified. I received a call on my cell phone while in China from the Sheriff of my home town telling me that my fiance had died of a heart attack.
That news shook me to the core of my existence after I stopped screaming for hours.
I flew home to collect the body only to find out my fiancé had another life that did not include me. He was gay; actually bisexual. He died before he could hide the evidence of his other life. This was September 2005. I had a double shock, the shock of his death, and the shock of the reality that he had a life which did not include me.
I was an emotional mess filled with a combination of anger, rage and sadness. I hid the truth from family and friends because I wanted to bury him with honor. My prayers for a very happy marriage with family and friends were answered, but not the way I was expecting.
I had been betrayed on what was to be the happiest time of my life; my wedding.
Within two years of my partner's death, in May of 2007 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors were perplexed because I was not the typical profile of a person who gets this disease.
I went to the University if Virginia for Chemo and Radiation cancer treatment. I nearly died from the treatment of this type of cure for cancer. I lost 60 pounds, but the cancer was in remission.
With my immune system down, I got an amoeba in my eye that ate the cornea and blood vessels and I had a heart attack. I recovered from both illnesses.

Healed of uterine cancer

Posted by admin in Physical Healings on Apr 5th, 2010 | one response
By Phyllis Tryon, Great Falls, Montana
In September 2007, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer following a hysterectomy. When I heard the lab report, I thought that must a mistake – they had someone else’s uterus! When you are told something like that, your mind can’t seem to wrap around it.
Prior to the hysterectomy, I had been bleeding almost constantly for a year and a half. It started when I was 54 years old. At that age, I suddenly hemorrhaged and had an emergency ablation, a procedure where they cauterize the uterine lining. It’s supposed to stop or diminish unusual bleeding. Only for me, it didn’t.
After the ablation, I kept bleeding. My gynecologist kept telling me I just needed to get through menopause, but she never did any blood work to check.
She then put me on a regimen of hormone therapy to try to force my body into menopause. The pharmacist tried to tell me not to take the hormones, but I blindly followed my doctor’s advice.
Finally I demanded a hysterectomy and then got the cancer diagnosis. By this time I was 55-1/2 years old. The doctor said she was confident the cancer was contained. However, the lab report said there was no “clear surgical margin,” meaning, she might have cut through the cancer.
I needed a catscan. The doctor made appointments for me with an oncologist, a radiologist, and a specialist in Billings.
I had the catscan and the gynocologist told me it was normal. She said the specialist would do a labroscopic surgery to stage the cancer. They would remove some lymph nodes in the abdomen and remove my ovaries. I was confident I was fine.
Finally, about three weeks following my diagnosis, I saw the specialist. He said, “Your catscan is NOT normal.” He said the cancer had not been contained. Instead of a staging, he suggested immediate radiation with chemotherapy to follow.
I felt like I was in a fog. To my benefit, each of the doctors I met said they believed I would beat this, that it was curable. But it was vital that we attack it hard and beat it now. A recurring cancer would not be good news.
I was scheduled for 7 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week, followed by 6 chemotherapy treatments, one every 3 weeks.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man Healed of Terminal Brain Cancer

May 25, 1995 presented me with quite a surprise -- and another of life's challenges. Confronted with the evidence of a Grade IV malignant brain tumor my experience of life soon changed. Surgery, radiation, and a shortened chemotherapy regimen left me physically and emotionally exhausted. Against my doctor's wishes, I stopped taking chemotherapy in January 1996. There is no medical "cure" for brain cancer so I set forth seeking a miracle and an opportunity to serve a God that might graciously heal me. Throughout my life I had often wondered about God -- His existence, nature, and purpose for us. Unfortunately, I had never comfortably resolved these questions. This was soon to change.
In February 1996 my wife and I attended our first Christian healing class led by Hal Weeks. Just hearing about such a class affected me profoundly. Very shortly we witnessed the power of God's Spirit in our lives. We began to immerse ourselves in the literature and practice of "hands on healing", intercessory prayer, etc. The manifestations of God's love and power brought great comfort to us. Despite a reoccurrence of the tumor (Grade II) in March 1996, my faith and thankfulness continued to grow as God used me to help others. For one year the recurrent tumor remained. In March 1997, the area in which the tumor was clear -- and remains so to this day. Thankful for the steadfast prayers of many and the power of God's Holy Spirit invoked through the name of Jesus, this testimony is in service to God so that others might seek a personal relationship with His Son Jesus and receive this blessing.
Frank Leslie

10 Hours To Live

Article Date: September 17, 2010

Tennis pro Brian Wills shares his miraculous healing story in 10 Hours to Live -- new from Whitaker House...

...Doctors gave Brian ten hours to live after they discovered a cancerous tumor. On Monday it was the size of a golf ball, on Wednesday, nearly the size of a basketball!. Brian was diagnosed with stage four Burkitt's lymphoma, an incredibly fast-growing, extremely rare, 100% lethal cancer. Brian is diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma cancer: extremely rare, incredibly fast growing, 100% fatal. Doctors were honest and direct...
"Mr Wills, You have 10 hours to live. You should make the necessary preparations for your death."

That was the doctor's report, but Brian Wills and his family decided to go to THE Doctor, for a second opinion. With supernatural faith and the support of his family, Wills battled the disease—both physically and spiritually—and fully recovered. That's right, he fully recovered, not partially, not with a remaining lump that was a little smaller-completely, fully recovered! He is the first and only known survivor of stage four Burkitt's lymphoma. According to the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland he is the only person to have had a "spontaneous remission" of the disease.

"The single most compelling thing about Brian Wills' story is that Brian is here to tell it.",
said Pastor Drew Lynch of Eastgate Church of the Nations (New Rochelle, New York). "He should not have survived."

This new release from Whitaker House 10 Hours To Live; tells A True Story of Healing and Supernatural Living. Wills shares not only his dramatic personal testimony, but also the specific spiritual steps he and his family took to fight the disease. These steps, Brian believes, were crucial to his recovery, and could be life-changing for anyone seeking God's touch.

"People often hear or read about a miraculous story, but don't know what was going on behind the scenes," Wills says. "Our family had never faced such a difficult test of faith, but the Holy Spirit gave us steps to follow that I want to make available for anyone who needs a miracle."

God's Healing Grace.

Forum: True Life Stories Date: 2001, Apr 25 From: Peter Smith <psmith@prime.net.sa>

I must start this with some demographic information. I am employed by a U.S. company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My wife Judy and our daughter Jennifer, accompany me on this assignment. At the beginning of the following witness, one of our sons was living in Dallas, Texas and the other was living in Seal Beach, California; subsequently, to date they are both living in Dallas.
Judy and I and Jennifer, have come to the Catholic faith while living here in Saudi Arabia. I have worked and lived in Saudi Arabia since September of 1992 and Judy and Jennifer since January of 1995.
While on vacation, (in Dallas, Texas) during the summer of 1998, I noticed blood in my urine just as we were getting ready to return to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Upon our return our return, I went to the consulting clinic our company uses for primary medical care. I saw an Urologist and after several tests, it was determined that I probably had some form of bladder cancer. My doctor determined it was necessary to do a cystoscopic examination and if possible, remove any cancer that may be present.
In October, as a result of the exam, cancer was found and most was removed during the exam. Upon discovering that I truly had cancer, I was devastated, while worrying about everything our Lord brought into focus conditions earlier that summer. Where only prayer and total confidence in Him brought Judy, me, and several others through a very tense time. I prayed and laid the entire burden of the cancer at his feet. It was the only way I could function. I gave Him my life and asked that what ever would come of it that it would be for His Glory.
After recovering from the first exam/surgery, one more surgery and 8 weeks of Chemotherapy ensued. As a result, it was resolved that the cancer appeared to be in remission. Everything was invasive and as a result, I developed a bad infection at the surgery sight resulting in considerable bleeding. The infection was a very resistant strain of bacteria so it took several tries to get a good antibiotic agent.

Friday, February 11, 2011


(The Gwen Lanning Healing)
By: Gwen Lanning
May 13, 1971 my doctor said, "I wish I could help you. You have to get rest. Don't worry about drug addiction. The pain counteracts this. You have no other choice." Then he pulled out a prescription blank for two hundred of one of the most powerful pain averting drugs available. I was dying of cancer and the doctors had done all they knew to do. For over four years they had fought to save my life.
My name is Gwen Lanning. The disease had been diagnosed as "Reticulum Cell Sarcoma, a rare bone cancer. A brief history of my illness is as follows:
October 1966 to July 1967: My left arm began aching and pain increased until I could get no rest. Cortisone injections furnished temporary relief but pain always returned with higher intensity. Xrays, a biopsy and pathology examinations of bone and surrounding tissue samples revealed a malignant tumor. Seventy‑five percent of the bone had already been destroyed by the tumor leading the doctors to estimate the disease had existed for at least three years. At my insistence to know the whole truth, I was told that this is a slow growing type of cancer and that statistics indicate it is terminal within a short period of time after it is discovered.
August 1967 to October 1970: Radiation therapy was applied to the arm over a five-week period. Pain and swelling started in the upper left leg. X‑rays showed nothing, yet the leg continued swelling and the pain increasing. By December 1969, I could hardly use the leg. A radioactive material was injected into the blood stream and a bone scan was made. This revealed a large tumor on the bone above the knee. Cobalt treatments were applied to the area over a three week period during which time the right shoulder began aching. Pain in the shoulder increased so that pain averting drugs and sleeping pills were ineffective in providing rest. X‑rays again showed nothing and I was sent home with instructions to do no work. For several months I had to be treated, physically as an infant. My body became so sore and swollen that I couldn't bear the pain caused by the softest touch. Bone scans, another biopsy and pathology examinations of bone and bone marrow samples confirmed fear of the disease's progressive growth. It had now spread throughout all the long bones, the spinal column, into the liver, spleen and other organs of the body. Radiation was ruled out as a course of treatment and anti‑cancerous drugs by injection were tried.

‘Linda cured my cancer from beyond the grave’

A CANCER patient who says she was healed by Guernsey’s ‘miracle child’ Linda Martel has been in the island for the first time since being cured.
Ruth Woods, from Northampton, said that, even today, the grave of the five-year-old, who is said to have healed hundreds of islanders in the 1960s, gave her peace.
The 76-year-old, who was visiting Guernsey with her husband Richard, 64, was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1971.
A carcinoma had been found in her right leg which, doctors warned, might have to be amputated. She recalled being scared, until a friend gave her a small square of white cloth that had once belonged to the child whose healing powers attracted national headlines.
‘That gave me hope, as I always had a faith and believed in Jesus and his divine healing powers,’ she said. ‘I held the cloth, and I felt so safe. I wasn’t afraid. I knew I would be fine.’
Doctors found that the cancer had not spread, and were able to save Mrs Woods’s leg, although a large section of it had to be removed, leaving her scarred.
After the operation she said she had a ‘visitation’.
‘I saw a figure all dressed in white. I knew then I would get better.’
Doctors had warned she would have trouble walking and would need a disabled badge. But Mrs Woods believes the cloth helped stop the spread of the cancer and aided her recovery. She never needed the disabled badge and is today fit and able.

Blood cancer is defeated : Jesus Heals!!!

Praise the lord!
My name is Lalit khanchandani. I belong to a Sindhi (Hindu) family. I currently reside in Dubai. By God's grace, I have got this opportunity to give this testimony on our son Shubhang's behalf. Hereunder, I will narrate to you how God has given second life to our son.

Our son, Shubhang was diagnosed with BLOOD CANCER (Leukemia) when he was 4 year old. It was a shocking moment for us. We desperately went to Mumbai for his treatment where he took chemotherapy for 8 months. We came back to Dubai after taking initial treatment to continue further treatment from Dubai hospital.
Everything was going smooth for six month until he got chickenpox. We were unaware of any treatment available for chickenpox since we didn’t take any treatment in our childhood. We did not give any treatment to him for chickenpox because we were under the impression that it will go within 5-6 days automatically.
However, Shubhang's condition grew worse on 3rd day of chickenpox. He suffered with pain in whole body and he was shivering. Eventually he got unconscious. We immediately rushed him to Dubai hospital where they kept him in ICU on a ventilator machine for 21 days. By God's grace, he came back home after recovering completely.
2 months after this incident, we found some blood on his pillow spilled out of his mouth while sleeping. We got worried and took him to Dubai hospital where he was taking regular treatment for cancer. They did some blood test and found that his platelet count was very low which was the reason of bleeding from his mouth. We normally have platelet in the range of 150000-400000 in our body and there is bleeding from mouth, nose or ear if the platelet count goes below 30000-40000.
picture of Shubhang during treatment
Shubhang during treatment
At last, doctors from Dubai hospital refused to continue his treatment and told us to go to any other big medical center. Soon after this, my family went to India (Mumbai) for further treatment. Doctor had informed us that they could control the situation as long as the bleeding comes from his mouth, ear or nose but they would not be able to do anything if the bleeding goes in the brain. So finally that happened which we dreaded. After internal discussions, doctor finally asked us to call all our relatives who wanted to see Shubhang in last stage, because there was no chance to revive him.
healthy shubhang's recent picture
Shubhang now
(picture recently taken)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Woman's Breast Cancer Story

Mrs M.L. 'My Story So Far......'

On Tuesday 5th October I was looking after my 3 year old grand-daughter. We were getting ready to go out with a friend of mine who has a daughter of a similar age.

As usual I was late and in a hurry, whilst showering I noticed a knobbly lump on the top of my left breast, my hands were soapy and this made the lump more evident. I immediately panicked when I realised what it could be.

I had been fortunate in having had the same doctors for many years and I did not hesitate, I got on the phone straight away and made an appointment to see him at his morning surgery two days later, on Thursday October 7th. During those two days the lump was continuously on my mind but I only examined myself once more just to make sure. After that I could not bring myself to touch it anymore until just before I was admitted to hospital nearly four weeks later. I decided not to tell my family although I had a very strong sense the lump was serious. I am very close to my family and I did not want to worry them until I was sure. This was not an easy thing to do and I was constantly in two minds.
Thursday 7th October - I visit my G.P.
The day of my appointment was a day of very mixed emotions. I was very confused, one minute I was feeling very positive and the next very frightened. I had had two previous mammogram scares but I knew this lump was very different from a cyst I had had fourteen years ago, and I now had a real gut feeling that this was going to be a different result from the last two.

I arrived at the G.P. surgery for my appointment with Dr Ian Roberts and after a brief tem minute wait I was called through to his room. He examined me and explained that regrettably he could not discount the lump, he also checked under my arm and said how pleased he was that this area was clear.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Healing Quadriplegia A Miraculous True Story

by Laurel Duran, CMT
One rainy August afternoon in 1986 as I drove down the highway alone in my car, my burdened mind turned toward the shambles of my life. My upcoming divorce, the financial failure of the health club I owned, and my recent acceptance of the fact that I had an alcohol problem, stood accusingly before me as ample proof of my complete failure as a human being. I was attending 12-step meetings and that helped get me through each day, but deep down I believed that the failure of my life was all my fault, and there was no solution in sight. 
Then, in an instant, everything changed. My car was hit from behind while simultaneously my spirit exited the driver's side-window and traveled up a cord of light into the loving presence of God. From above I calmly realized that the neck of the body that was mine had snapped broken and the car carrying my body was still moving forward. I thought ?There will need to be another impact to stop the car,? and so there was. By the time the crashing stopped, six vehicles had piled on top of the smashed can that used to be my car. To top everything off, this neck-breaking crash occurred on a road called Breakneck Hill Road!
What happened to the real me -- my spirit -- while I visited heaven was to become the most valuable event of my life. I had a personal experience of God?s absolutely unconditional love. I understood that I had never done anything to merit being deprived of this love, and that the only tiny, temporary mistake I had ever made while on earth was to have spent even a moment believing I didn?t deserve love. I realized that love is the only real thing that exists in the world. And without a moment of doubt, all the self-imposed barriers in front of my own heart evaporated into nothing. In the loving presence of my Creator, it was so easy to surrender all my earthly burdens. It was the most natural thing to do. My earthly burdens had been a result of temporarily forgetting the unconditional nature of God?s love, but in a flash it all came back to me. I became peacefully aware that everything that had happened in my life, all events, situations, and relationships, had been part of God?s plan to bring me to love. Even though I had forgotten that goal while I was on earth, I was remembering it again in heaven, and that changed everything. I understood that my soon-to-be-ex-husband really had loved me even though we were getting a divorce. The divorce didn?t matter, but the love did. 

"I Have Been Healed of Cancer"

This is the real-life, true testimony of Zahrah Raay Allen's experience of healing cancer naturally.
This past April I noticed that a mole on my right cheek seemed to have grown and was changing color. In May of 2009 I decided to have the mole biopsied. The results came back with a diagnosis of stage II malignant melanoma.
Shortly after Andres (Andrew) and I were married he had a dream of running a healing center for cancer patients. Little did we know at that time that the first patient would be me.
After the diagnosis, I began researching melanoma and learned that it was one of the fastest spreading and deadliest of the cancers if left untreated. Other data told me that the cancer can quickly spread to the deeper tissue and then to the lymph system. Once melanoma reaches the lymph system chances of survival are very slim. According the size and the depth of the melanoma on my face I was being told that if it was left untreated I had about a 5 year survival rate, at the most.  
I have been visioning and working towards building a holistic natural healing center for many years and have been involved in natural healing for most of my life. I am licensed in Chinese Medicine and Oriental Bodywork Therapies, so naturally my first feelings were to approach my healing with all-natural, non-invasive methods. Some people around me felt differently. I received pressure to “do the right thing” and have the cancer cut out ASAP. I heard all kinds of statistics and sad stories of people “losing the fight against cancer”. I was urged to “think about my children”, as well as to conserve my energy and “just get it cut out”.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

True life story of Suwimon Panyangarm

A living testimony

by Vachiravan Vanlaeiad

Suwimon (nicknamed Keng) was born in 1945 in Bangkok’s Chinatown, Thailand. Her father, Dr. So, was a medical doctor and her mother, Hong-yu, a midwife. They had migrated from China to Thailand long before her birth. She had 2 older brothers, 3 elder sisters, and 2 younger brothers (unfortunately one of her little brothers was dead when he was small). Her ancestors were devout Christians. Her grandfather was one of the first veteran Christians of Maitrichit Church, which is the world’s first Overseas Chinese Baptist Church (established in 1837) located in Chinatown. Her parents were highly competent and hard-working, resulting in owning a gigantic mansion in the nation’s largest Chinese community. They had divided their residence into two parts: a clinic with full facilities and living quarters. They were highly loved and respected both in their community and at church. Her father was a highly-effective and extremely-active member of Maitrichit Church, thus having been elected, on various occasions, the church’s deacon chairman.

Suwimon had perfectly copied her father, not only features and characteristics, but also his fervency and zealousness in God’s services. She was the only daughter whom Dr. So had always taken to church with him, especially during weekly prayer sessions on Thursday evenings. As a result, all of her young adult life had only revolved around her church, schools, and residence.

She was not beautiful. Yet her always cheerful temper plus genial disposition and leadership personality, had made her an attractive girl. She had served God since her young age, from interpreting for Chinese missionaries and visiting speakers to leading the church’s youth group. Her love for God has been her first and foremost for all of her life.

However, when she was a young teen (approx. 15-16 years old), her father, only 53, had died of gullet cancer. She was extremely distressed since her loss had deprived her not only of her most beloved dad, but her education. She had to finish school to render help in the family’s clinic. However, never once she blamed God, because for her God has never, ever done anything wrong.

Pancreatic Cancer - Living From Diagnosis to Death - The Diary of a Cancer Patient's Daughter By Deneene A. Collins

One of the hardest things to do in life is to live once you've been told you are going to die. It's as if life speeds up after you receive knowledge that your days are ticking away on a finite clock that you have no control over. One important thing that I learned while experiencing the devastating affects of Pancreatic Cancer with my mother as she fought this distressing disease is that it is crucial to focus on the time that you have rather than on the time you don't have. To me this article is a condensed version of the Diary of Cancer Patient's Daughter as I explain what living with Pancreatic Cancer is like from diagnosis to death as I framed the picture of my mother's experience in my mind.
I hope and pray that you receive something out of these words birthed out of pain that will bring you peace and help you or your loved one with a Cancer diagnosis live a little longer and happier in spite of the sad reality you are facing. There are 7 D's in this Cancer Diary that can help you manage the physical and mental aspects of this awful disease. Remember that what you don't do in the Cancer Crisis is just as important as what you do.
Entry # 1: The Diagnosis:
My mother Joyce was 66 years old when she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer during the summer of 2008. Though all Cancer is bad, Pancreatic Cancer is considered one of the worst because it is the most difficult to diagnose. The reason is that the symptoms mirror digestive problems as the disease hides in the depths of the digestive system. My mother had chronic pain in her stomach and though she went to the emergency room several times receiving numerous tests and ultra sounds the doctors kept telling her nothing was wrong with her and sent her home every time. Initially they thought it was a problem with her gal bladder which is a common misdiagnosis in the case of Pancreatic Cancer.
Her Father Boyce whom she was named after died of Pancreatic Cancer 20 years earlier but the chance that she could have that very same thing never occurred to her or anyone else in our family. If Cancer runs in your family, especially Pancreatic Cancer I would advise you to have regular screenings for this disease as early diagnosis is a key to survival. One of the most deadly things about Pancreatic Cancer is that because it is so hard to diagnose most patients don't receive their diagnosis until they are already in Stage 4 of the Cancer when there is practically no hope.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

11-year-old healed of cancer.

By Ken Yahvah, Helena, Montana
In May 2009, I received a phone call from Rapid City, South Dakota, where my daughter, Tina, lives. A friend of hers had relatives stationed in Seoul, South Korea, and they have a son, Christopher, who doctors feared had cancer in his lymph glands.
The father is a Captain in the Army and a medical doctor. His son is nicknamed “Tophee.” Tophee is just 11 years old.
In April, Tophee had severely swollen lymph glands in his neck. The doctors became very concerned and an MRI was done. Then the doctors became more concerned. They said the results appeared to be malignancy in the lymph glands, and things didn’t look good for Tophee.
A biopsy was scheduled for June.
An aunt in South Dakota called me in May. I had ministered to many of their family members through the years because Tina encouraged them to call me whenever they needed healing. As a result, they had seen numerous miracles. Now this aunt had learned about her nephew’s condition in Seoul, and told the family there that she knew someone who could minister healing to Tophee. The captain and his wife agreed to have their son ministered to over the telephone.

Barbara Had Cancer But Her Faith Healed Her By Dawn Fields Platinum Quality Author

Barbara woke up nervous and jittery. In fact, she had a hard time
sleeping last night. She simply could not clear her mind. She was
worried. Today is the day she gets the test results back from her doctor
and she feared the worse.
Her appointment was at 10 this morning and she was up and dressed by 7
a.m. anxious to find out if she had cancer or not.
The doctor's office is only a 15 minute drive from her home so she had
several hours before she had to leave. Barbara decided to open her bible
and to gather all the information she could regarding her health.
She found a passage in 1 Peter 2:24 which states: "Who his own self bare
our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins,
should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."
Barbara decided that she would confess this statement over and over
again until it was time for her appointment.
As she drove to the hospital, she visualized herself being healed of all
sickness. She said out loud, "by Jesus' stripes I am healed. The bible
says "ye were healed" and since that is a past tense statement, it means
that I am healed right now."
When she arrived at the doctors, the doctor gave her the evil report.
The report stated that she was in the early stages of cancer.
Now, it is at this very moment where all heaven and hell is waiting for
Barbara's reaction.
Will Barbara continue to confess what Jesus says about her health. Or
will she fold and give up faith, start crying and writing out her last
will and testament?

“Cancer Patient Testimonials”

Chapter 5
“Dr Sommai Tongprasert MD: The Miracle Doctor Who Triumphed Over Cancer”

Breast Cancer, Sinus Cancer, Lung Cancer

“Physical Health Room” Thai Blog Post #12
10 May 2009: Breast Cancer Victim

I would like to share our experience. My wife had a lump in her left breast. We planned to have a check up after this last New Year. There were no symptoms that we could detect before, with the exception of tenderness around her left nipple. It looked like a wound resulting from rubbing against the bra.
She started to complain about two years ago, but we did not pay attention to it until we accidentally found a lump in her breast. We considered seeing a doctor right away. However, after the New Year, she began to feel pain and we thought that it could be caused by her period. I was not very sure but believed that it shouldn’t be cancer.
Cancer Patient Testimonials - Chapter 5 of 'Dr Sommai Tongprasert 
MD: The Miracle Doctor Who Triumphed Over Cancer' book
We went to see a doctor at Bang Na Hospital 1. The doctor performed a minor operation to take tissue samples. After the operation, we went straight home. We lived in the On-nut area and had to go past Seacon Square Shopping Center, so we stopped by to eat. The incision was about two inches across, and was not very painful.
The doctor told us to check the results on 28 January 2009. My wife went alone first and I would pick her up later, thinking that the cyst was only a fat particle. I called her mobile phone when I expected that she would already know the results.
She was crying helplessly and was unable to talk. It told me that she had received bad news. I went to pick her up and we hugged each other, crying for a while. I consoled her, saying that there should be a way to cure it, as it probably was not too serious, although in my mind, I felt confused and did not feel much different than she did. My wife said that it was as if she had heard an execution order. I felt that we should be spending any time we had left the best we could.
Bang Na Hospital 1 probably did not have any experts (in this field) and sent my wife to one of the reputable government hospitals for treatment. Later we found out that hospital had a special team for treating breast cancer. We came as per the instruction sheet from Bang Na Hospital 1 and got a waiting number to see the doctor.
By the time it was our turn, it was nearly noon and my wife was the last patient waiting. I ran into a doctor while waiting in front of the check-up room (that had its front door left slightly open), and saw that he was frowning. He was peeking at some results that had “Bang Na Hospital 1” printed in English with medical terminology of which I had a little understanding (and I guessed the rest).
I somewhat understood, but did not tell my wife how serious it was. She tried to ask but I kept avoiding the question by saying that I did not understand at all and we should wait to ask the doctor.
While I was sitting in the room with her, the doctor explained the treatment and operation (to remove the cancer tissues as soon as possible). Then he issued orders for different types of tests prior to operation. The word “URGENT” was stamped on each order. In addition, when the people in various departments that we had to visit that afternoon saw us, the expressions on their faces suddenly changed. I noticed that they acted as if we were VIPs and hurried to assist us. I wondered if they felt she was very ill and wanted to make her feel better.
Afterwards, while waiting for the necessary documents, there were fewer people as most of the patients had already started to leave. I saw the doctor walking around in front of the check-up room. He came straight to us and quietly whispered, “Do you want to get well?”
My wife replied, “Of course!” Her face was still lined by dark streaks where tears had flowed. The doctor handed her a small piece of paper, on which was printed the name "Dr Sommai Tongprasert" and his phone number. He instructed us to tell no one. This information was to be between only us . We exchanged telephone numbers with him. Later, another doctor also asked for our phone numbers.
No more than 15 minutes later, my wife called the phone number that the doctor gave to her and told Dr Sommai about her case. He only told her to come meet him as soon as possible.
He was in Singburi so we went there the next day. Along the way, my wife and I could not imagine what we would see, or what Dr Sommai was like, or what methods he used to treat his patients.